Doktorand (m/w/d): ATLAS C05 - Neuartige Konzepte für hochgenaue Ortung von VLEO-Satelliten

Die Universität Stuttgart steht für herausragende, weltweit beachtete Forschung und erstklassige Lehre in einer der dynamischsten Industrieregionen Europas. Als verlässliche Arbeitgeberin begleitet und fördert die Universität die akademische Laufbahn ihrer Forscher*innen. Sie ist stolz auf ihre Mitarbeiter*innen, die gegenwärtig aus über 100 verschiedenen Ländern kommen. Die Universität ist Partnerin für den Wissens- und Technologietransfer und setzt auf Interdisziplinarität.

Veröffentlichungsdatum:  13.11.2024
ID der Anzeige:  1638
Fakultät/ Einrichtung: Luft- und Raumfahrttechnik und Geodäsie 
Institut/ Einrichtung: Luft- und Raumfahrttechnik und Geodäsie : INS - Institut für Navigation 
Forschungsverbund: SFB 1667: Fortschrittliche Technologien für Satelliten in sehr geringer Höhe (ATLAS) 
Lehrverpflichtung: Nein 
Bewerbungsfristende: 06.12.2024 
Voraussichtliches Startdatum:  01.01.2025 
Über uns

The DFG-funded Collaborative Research Centre (CRC) 1667 “Advancing Technologies of Very Low-Altitude Satellites” (ATLAS) at the University of Stuttgart (Germany) addresses the fundamental scientific and engineering challenges of rendering Very Low Earth Orbit (VLEO, about 200 km to 450 km altitude) accessible. These orbits are particularly beneficial for satellite services that have become indispensable to our modern knowledge, information, and communication society and enable the operation of satellites without exposing them or contributing to the increasing contamination of traditional orbits with space debris. The research programme encompasses 17 distinct scientific subprojects that are organised into three project areas, focusing on exploring the Gas-Surface Interactions, Enabling Subsystems, and Mission-related Challenges that are respectively critical towards ultimately achieving sustained VLEO operations. Striving towards this common goal, the CRC ATLAS encompasses an especially broad range of research disciplines as well as experimental, numerical, and analytical methods.


The ATLAS Project C05: Precise Orbit and Attitude Determination of VLEO Satellites is conducted under the lead of Prof. Dr. tech. Thomas Hobiger at the Institute of Navigation (INS) located on the Downtown Campus of the University of Stuttgart.


Please refer to for further information on the CRC 1667 ATLAS and its individual research projects.

Ihr Aufgabenbereich

The successful candidate will develop models and algorithms which allow the extension of our existing precise orbit determination (POD) software PODCAST to handle satellites at VLEO altitudes. Moreover, it is foreseen that the PhD candidate carries out simulation studies which provide insight on the possibilities to estimate gravity field coefficients as well as thermosphere density parameters by utilizing GNSS and onboard sensors of VLEO satellites. In addition, the PhD candidate will study the possibility to use VLEO constellations for future navigation satellite systems and evaluate the accuracy and precision of ground-based positioning and navigation.

Ihr Profil

Successful candidates possess an M.Sc. or equivalent scientific university degree in geodesy, aerospace engineering, physics, mathematics or an equivalent field of science relevant to the research program of the CRC ATLAS. For this position a thorough understanding of orbit dynamics, space geodetic data processing and estimation theory as well as excellent programming skills in C++ are required. Fluency in English and German is required. Active support of and participation in the CRC program is expected.

Unsere Leistungen

All vacancies for Ph.D. positions include a full- or part-time position for a period of 2.75 years. Remuneration is based on the TV-L statutory scale and its associated public sector benefits. The earliest possible start date is January 1st, 2025.


For its doctoral and postdoctoral researchers, the CRC ATLAS offers an ambitious structured interdisciplinary training programme with joint supervision by experienced researchers from different disciplines. The program includes also opportunities for research stays abroad to foster international cooperation and for participation in international conferences for the dissemination of the respective findings. Selected candidates will likely find themselves in an exceptionally good starting position for their continued future career in academia or industry.


A complete application includes a letter of application, a detailed CV, and a list of publications (if applicable). Applications are accepted until the respective position is filled; a first application deadline is set to December 6th, 2024.

Informationen zu Beschäftigung und Vergütung
Maximale Förderungs- bzw. Beschäftigungsdauer: 33 Monate
Art der Finanzierung: Stelle als Mitarbeiter*in bei der Universität Stuttgart 
Vergütung: EG TV-L 13 
Prozentsatz Wochenarbeitszeit (ausgehend von 39,5h = 100%): 100 
Anstellung beim Kooperationspartner:  
Standort: Stuttgart, Campus Stadtmitte
Wenn anderer Standort als Stuttgart oder zusätzliche(r) Standort(e): N/A  

Ansprechperson: Prof. Dr. techn. Thomas Hobiger
E-Mail: Write e-mail

Telefon: +49 711 685 83400

Hiring Manager: Adam Pagan 
Telefonnummer: +49 711 685 62135

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